10 MORE Dumbest Decisions In Horror Movies
3. Come On Gang, Let's Split Up! - Resident Evil Apocalypse

Every schlocky horror movie is guilty of the Scooby Doo effect at some point. For some reason, in times of great distress and terror, groups seem to think that the very best option is to thin themselves out under the pretence of 'covering more ground', when in actuality they're just turning themselves into single serving snack bites for whatever evil creature gets to slowly pick them off.
Resident Evil: Apocalypse is a good example of this as any, since Jill Valentine decides that the best way to find the missing daughter of an Umbrella researcher is to break up her group as they comb through a school. Only, Valentine is a trained police officer, and her two companions are news reporter Terri and another civilian.
Terri is given a gun and sent on her merry way with no knowledge of how to use it nor any real level of preparation for what she's about to face - so of course dies a needless, grisly death at the hands of a bunch of zombie children she has no intention of fighting back against.
Jill sandwich? More like Terri sandwich when the kids close in. I'm not sorry.