10 MORE Dumbest Decisions In Horror Movies
2. Turning On The Theme Park - Zombieland

The first rule of Zombieland might not be stay quiet, but it really, really should be. Considering the zombies of the world are fairly receptive to noise - a pretty standard trait, all things considered - being as quiet as possible means you can stay alive as long as possible. And staying quiet does not include turning on a whole theme park full of rides, lights, and noise that would attract every zombie in the state to the place you intend to stay for some time.
Yes, it makes a very lovely set piece and serves up a whole fist-pumping finale, but in the grand scheme of staying alive, advertising the Pacific Playground as open for business was always going to end spectacularly badly. Even if it wasn't zombies drawn to the locale, there's plenty of other untrustworthy survivors that are likely better off avoided too.
To then trap yourself on top of a drop ride is just asking for trouble as well, all things considered. It might have worked out alright for the group, but that's entirely through luck rather than design.