10 More Happy Movie Endings That Ignored One Devastating Thing

3. The World Would Fall Apart - The Matrix Revolutions

avengers endgame ending
Warner Bros.

If you made it to the end of The Matrix Revolutions, enduring the nonsense twists and turns that transformed one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time into a curiously bland CGI bore-fest, you got to see the messiah save the world. In the simplest terms, that what Keanu Reeves' Chosen One did, parlaying with the leader of the machines to cut a deal that would save humanity, reboot the Matrix and defeat Agent Smith once and for all.

All of that happens and Neo seems to die, though there's a hint that he survived and will return. In The Matrix 4 presumably.

But Wait...

It's not as simple as just rebooting the Matrix and offering freedom to humanity, though, is it? Because as the first movie literally spelled out, you cannot just remove adults from the Matrix because they wouldn't be able to accept the truth of the real world.

Why would that suddenly not be a consideration simply because it was on a larger scale when the Matrix is rebooted? If anything, that would cause catastrophically amplified problems. The entire world would end up freaking out - particularly those whose lives inside the Matrix were sh*tty - and it's hard to imagine anyone accepting machine overlords.

And then if they DO choose to live outside of the Matrix, the world is basically hell. Zion has been decimated and there's no way they'd have the resources to look after everyone who chooses to wake up. Nobody has thought this through enough.


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