10 More Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

5. That Birth Scene Was So Traumatising, Noomi Rapace Was Tormented By Disturbing Nightmares - Prometheus

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
20th Century Fox

The Alien franchise boasts some of the most horrific moments ever chucked into a sci-fi picture.

And while the sight of a baby Xenomorph breaking out of John Hurt's chest in the original space-set horror is easily the most iconic scene in the franchise's history, there's a moment in Prometheus that definitely rivals that when it comes to terrifying imagery.

The sequence involves Noomi Rapace's Elizabeth Shaw having to go through an emergency C-section to remove her own little alien nasty from her abdomen. And it turns out that fans weren't the only ones haunted by this gory scene.

Rapace herself would eventually reveal that the moment a squid-alien was yanked out of her character's belly ultimately led to her being tormented in her dreams.

There were two specific dreams that stuck with the actor (via Wired): one involving her seeing black veins spread all across her body, while the other had her thinking a creature was moving around inside her. That latter dream even left Rapace crying her eyes out for real when she woke up.

And after feeling understandably shook up by all this and explaining to her director Ridley Scott the next day how she felt the whole thing was getting into her head a bit, you know how he responded? "Great. Okay, should we start?", according to SlashFilm

Typical Ridley.

Knowing that the actor in the middle of this make-believe procedure was actually experiencing her worst nightmares coming to life for four days while filming only makes this sequence even more traumatising when watching it back.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...