10 More Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

4. Shooting The Lawnmower Scene Left The Cinematographer With A Splinter In Their Eye - Maximum Overdrive

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

While he's obviously best known for writing some of the most iconic novels of all time - such as The Shining, Carrie, Misery, and Stand By Me - author Stephen King also once sat in the directing chair many moons ago.

And it was during the filming of his critically panned movie about machines coming to life and killing people, Maximum Overdrive, when things took a very real turn for the worse.

There's a point in the movie when a young boy called Deke, played by Holter Graham, flees from an incoming lawnmower - one covered in blood, naturally - but while Deke was able to escape this dangerous situation, the same could not be said for the film's Director of Photography, Armando Nannuzzi.

It may not have looked all that dangerous, but the team moving the remote-controlled lawnmower lost control of it at one point and it soon went crashing into some wood that was supporting the camera. Splinters shot out all over the place as its blades sliced through the wood, and one actually ended up landing right in the eye of Nannuzzi.

Nannuzzi would actually go on to lose said eye because of the incident, too.

Not only does that shocking real-life event make this initially quite goofy chase feel a touch more frightening, knowing how dangerous it was to shoot, it also led to Nannuzzi suing King for $18 million. Though the suit would ultimately be settled outside of court.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...