10 More Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

3. The Knife Had To Be Glued To The Glove In One Scene After A Scary Mishap - Scream (2022)

Wes Craven's New Nightmare

With Scream being a franchise centred around people being stabbed by individuals wearing a spooky mask, the odd prop mishap here and there is unfortunately inevitable.

You've probably heard all about Skeet Ulrich being very much struck by the point of an umbrella during the first Scream, a moment that was excruciating due to it hitting a sensitive spot he was left with after open-heart surgery. But an even worse incident almost occurred during the shooting of a moment in 2022's Scream.

In that film, there's a point when Melissa Barrera's Sam Carpenter has to fend off Ghostface at the hospital, dodging knife attacks and using a chair to stay alive. 

There's a particularly frightening bit in the scene when the masked attacker starts swinging their blade across a table as they try to slash up their next victim. But, according to Barrera, this was an action that had to be altered mid-scene when things literally got out of hand while filming.

The very real knife - swapped in for the rubber one for closer shots - apparently flew out of Ghostface's hands mid-take due to the gloves they were wearing being slippy. It soared right by Barrera and hit the window behind her, but that was still enough to spook everyone on set.

To ensure this didn't go down again, the knife was then glued to the glove from there on out. But you have to imagine that Barrera was still a touch nervous from that point on, and knowing that this was the real deal being swung at her here definitely makes viewing the scene a slightly more terrifying experience.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...