10 More Horror Movie Performances That Proved EVERYONE Wrong

9. Tom Hiddleston - Crimson Peak

The Serpent and the Rainbow
Universal Pictures

To millions of Marvel fans across the globe, Tom Hiddleston will always be Loki, trickster god, adopted brother of Thor, and the man who’s come back to life more times than the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. 

2011 was when it all came together for Hiddleston, as he starred in Thor, Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris, and Steven Spielberg’s War Horse all in the same year. He won legions of fans through his clean-cut brooding Britishness and, for a while, that’s exclusively how he was seen. 

The former Mr. Taylor Swift pushed himself in 2015, when he took on the part of Thomas Sharpe in Guillermo del Toro’s Crimson Peak. Sharpe is the proprietor of the titular mansion, which he introduces to his new bride Edith. Whilst staying there, Edith discovers some dark secrets about the Sharpe family through the various ghosts that inhabit the house. 

Crimson Peak allowed Hiddleston to get seriously dark for the first time since becoming a major star. The Britishness from before was still there, but it was being utilised in a much more menacing way. Think Loki, but more quietly sinister.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.