10 More Horror Movie Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

7. Last Night In Soho

Last Night In Soho

Edgar Wright's timey-wimey thriller follows fashion student Ellie, who stays at a bedsit owned by the elderly Ms. Collins.

Every time Ellie falls asleep in her bedroom, she's transported to 1960s London as an up-and-coming singer known as Sandie. As she spends more time in this era, Ellie learns Sandie was a real person, and when she has nightmares of Sandie drenched in blood, Ellie becomes convinced the young starlet was murdered.

But nothing could be further from the truth. 

In the closing moments, Ms. Collins divulges that she and Sandie are one and the same. The reason why Ellie had visions of bloodshed is because Sandie was a killer who murdered men that took advantage of her.

Even though this twist seemingly came out of nowhere, there were a smorgasbord of clues. For example, Ms. Collins comments on the bad smell in Ellie's room, referencing the bodies hidden under the floorboards. Sandie and Ms. Collins state their address using the exact same phrasing, indicating they're the same person. And when the duplicitous landlady thought Ellie's male friend was attacking her, she casually said she was ready to kill him. Upon reflection, it's apparent that she wasn't joking.

When Ellie researches missing girls in the area during the 1960s, all she can find are articles surrounding missing men, later revealed to be Sandie's victims. When Ellie finds an acquaintance of Sandie, he dismisses her claims, stating that Sandie wasn't as innocent as she appeared. Although this sounds like a flippant remark, it was actually a crucial piece of exposition.

Honestly, Last Night In Soho hints at the twist so many times, it's a wonder more people didn't work it out.

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