10 More Horror Movie Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

5. High Tension

Last Night In Soho

Upon its release, critics weren't sure what to make of Alexandre Aja's High Tension. But nowadays, the French slasher is considered instrumental in popularising the New Extremity movement, which focuses on controversial topics and visceral violence.

The story opens with Alex inviting her friend Marie to her parents' house. But when a serial killer slaughters Alex's family, the pair do everything they can to survive. The premise may be straightforward, but High Tension is riveting from beginning to end, thanks to the nail-biting atmosphere, innovative chase sequences, and blood-gushing action. 

Of course, the film is best remembered for its WTF twist. In the end, it's revealed Marie is so infatuated with Alex, she unknowingly manifested a murderous personality that killed Alex's entire family. After she "saved" Alex from the killer, Marie believed they would be together forever.

Now, this twist is hinted at when Alex attacks Marie for seemingly no reason. However, the truth can be observed sooner by studying Alex's body language. When Alex is tied up and gagged by the "killer," Marie tries to calm her down, promising she'll find a way to free her. 

But by analyzing Alex closely, it's clear she's not frightened by her circumstances, but by Marie. After seeing Marie murder her family, Alex recoils in disgust and terror each time her so-called friend approaches her during this scene. Even though the film repeatedly tries to pull the wool over our eyes, Alex's behaviour here was a major red flag.

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