10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Actually Won

5. Laura Barns - Unfriended

Eden Lake

As technology rapidly began to take over our lives, the horror genre reacted accordingly, exploring the dark effects of things like social media.

The first "computer screen" horror was 2014's Unfriended, which once again starts off with a high schooler killing themselves. We're not doing this on purpose, we promise, this is just a particularly dark list!

Laura Barns was cyberbullied after an embarrassing video of her at a party got leaked to her classmates. Now, her spirit is out for vengeance.

Barns' ghost infiltrates a Skype call between five people she holds responsible for her death. After outing their own secrets, Laura then invades the home of the teens, killing them in various horrendous ways.

The last one left alive is Blair, Laura's former childhood friend. It is revealed that she was the one who filmed the original video, and for that she must pay the ultimate price.

Unfriended ends with all of the teenagers dead. Whilst this is definitely not the course of action to take if somebody wrongs you, Laura ends the film with her goal achieved.

As for her victims, we'd say they learnt a valuable lesson, but it's hard to learn anything when you've been brutally murdered.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.