10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Actually Won

4. The Hoodies - Eden Lake

Eden Lake
Rollercoaster Films

Another horror that plays on fears of the modern is Eden Lake, a 2008 film that explores the "hoodie culture" that was causing quite the uproar in late noughties Britain.

No ghost Skype calls are present in this movie. Instead, the antagonists are a group of violent teenagers who kidnap and torture couple Steve and Jenny.

After the thugs murder Steve, Jenny does the first thing anyone would think to when being accosted by youths - she tells their parents!

Jenny, distressed and bloodied from her traumatic ordeal, accidentally arrives at the home of the gang's leader Brett. After telling Brett's parents what has happened without realising who they are, she thinks that she's safe.

How wrong she is.

It turns out that the parents are all too aware of their son and his friends' wrongdoings, and they'd rather cover it up to protect them. So, they subdue Jenny, delete the evidence, and take her away. Her fate is unknown.

It's a brilliantly subversive ending with the message that a child's bad behaviour is ultimately the responsibility of their parents. It's not hoodies that we should all be afraid of, it's middle-aged men.

The most frightening force of them all.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.