10 MORE Horror Movie Villains Who Broke Their Own Rules

5. Dr. Sebastian Caine - Hollow Man

Resident Evil The Final Chapter Red Queen
Sony Pictures Releasing

Hollow Man's villain protagonist is Dr. Sebastian Caine (Kevin Bacon), a scientist who chugs an invisibility serum which, in addition to making him see-through, also renders him a murderous psychotic.

Yet despite being invisible to the naked eye, Caine is still bound by our general laws of physics. That is to say, the guy didn't additionally manifest the ability to teleport around at will.

Even so, in the film's finale, Sebastian is seemingly killed by a bomb while pursuing heroes Linda (Elisabeth Shue) and Matt (Josh Brolin). But moments later, Sebastian miraculously re-emerges as a revolting, partially visible skeleton, grabbing Linda's leg in one last ditch effort to kill her, to no avail.

Even accepting Hollow Man's status as silly schlock - albeit directed with aplomb by the great Paul Verhoeven - Sebastian isn't Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers, and so shouldn't have been able to move from the lab area where the explosion happened to the elevator where our heroes were at a moment's notice.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.