10 MORE Horror Movie Villains Who Broke Their Own Rules

3. The Red Queen - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

Resident Evil The Final Chapter Red Queen
Screen Gems

Resident Evil's villainous supercomputer the Red Queen is, despite its murderous tendencies, programmed not to kill employees of the Umbrella Corporation, but trust a Machiavellian AI to find a loophole to get it done anyway.

In the series' final film, The Final Chapter, the Red Queen makes an uneasy turn away from villainy, agreeing to help Alice (Milla Jovovich) take down Umbrella and prevent their evil scheme. The reason for this? Her programming prevents her from doing it by her own hand.

And so, the Red Queen gives Alice as much help as possible to infiltrate and eliminate Umbrella, short of actually doing the job herself. 

You can practically hear Isaac Asimov rolling in his grave at this logic - indirectly causing a person's death is still causing it, and for an apparently ultra-sophisticated AI to be able to betray its own intended programming with such an easy workaround is both terrifying and hilarious, frankly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.