10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

3. The Animatronics - Willy's Wonderland

Willy's Wonderland Nicolas Cage
Screen Media Films

Willy's Wonderland is about as close to being a Five Nights at Freddy's rip-off as one can possibly get without being legally actionable.

The film is centered around the titular abandoned family entertainment center, which plays host to eight animatronic creatures that are possessed by the souls of a serial killer and his seven cannibalistic buddies. Yup.

There are human villains in the mix too, namely a corrupt sheriff, Lund (Beth Grant), who made a pact with the animatronics, to offer up random drifters as "sacrifices" to them, under the guise of getting said drifters to clean up the building.

But neither the cursed animatronics nor Sheriff Lund counted on the latest drifter (Nicolas Cage) offering up much resistance at all, only for him to go absolutely hog wild and start murdering his way through them.

Ultimately Nic Cage's silent, unnamed hero manages to dismantle the animatronics pretty persuasively, while Lund is herself ripped in half by the lead animatronic, Willy.

Neither Lund nor the diabolical animatronics quite knew what they were dealing with here - a man of no words but of much, much brutality.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.