10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

2. Arkin O'Brien - The Collector

Willy's Wonderland Nicolas Cage
Freestyle Releasing

The Collector franchise is an especially unique example of this given that it really cuts both ways.

For starters, protagonist Arkin O'Brien (Josh Stewart) is by no means a good dude - the man plots to steal a precious ruby from the home of a family he works for, in order to pay off his wife's debts to loan sharks.

But after breaking in, Arkin discovers that the family's already having a damn rough night, as they're being targeted by a serial killer called The Collector (Juan Fernández).

Effectively, being robbed by Arkin would've been a mere triviality compared to this. But to Arkin's credit, he does attempt to rescue the family rather than merely flee at the first opportunity, even if all but one of them ends up dead.

Arkin's heroic turnaround is ultimately "rewarded" in the ending when The Collector captures him and shoves him in a trunk, leading to a sequel, The Collection, which flips this concept on its head.

Arkin escapes The Collector's clutches at the start of the film, and in the finale tracks the unmasked Collector down, where he forces him into a trunk at gunpoint while vowing to torture and kill him.

Evidently, the killer severely underestimated Arkin's resourcefulness, and though we never got to see The Collector's final fate play out on screen - partially due to a planned third film being cancelled mid-production - he was outfoxed by a more cunning creature in the end.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.