10 More Horror Movies That Had TWO Incredible Villains

7. Mommy & Daddy - The People Under the Stairs

Best Horror Duo Villains
Universal Pictures

Mommy (Wendy Robie) and Daddy (Everett McGill) from Wes Craven's The People Under the Stairs are about as vile and detestable as human villains get.

They're gentrifiers, racists, religious zealots, and are responsible for the people under the stairs of the movie's title - who are in fact the foster children they've abused for disobeying their rules. As such, the children resort to cannibalism for their own survival.

Oh, and Mommy and Daddy are actually brother and sister for good measure. Ewww.

Wendy Robie and Everett McGill, who also played couple Nadine and Ed Hurley on David Lynch's Twin Peaks, are the film's easy highlight, finding that tricky sweet spot of being both terrifying and at times hilariously camp. 

It's a tough balance to strike tonally, and yet the result is two totally unforgettable villains without whom the film would be decidedly less impactful.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.