10 More Horror Movies That Had TWO Incredible Villains

6. McKayla & Sadie - Tragedy Girls

Best Horror Duo Villains
Gunpowder & Sky

Tragedy Girls is a slasher comedy revolving around McKayla Hooper (Alexandra Shipp) and Sadie Cunningham (Brianna Hildebrand), two murder-obsessed high-schoolers who decide to start killing so they can boost interest in their own true crime blog, Tragedy Girls, as you do.

They're obviously neon-signposted sociopaths, exploiting and ensuring misery for their own gain, with no regard for the pain caused. Shipp and Hildebrand make for a compulsively engaging duo, no matter how easy to loathe they are.

But if you were expecting McKayla and Sadie to eventually pay dearly for their killing spree, it never happens - they end up pinning their climactic massacre on another serial killer, get to "market" themselves as survivors, become famous, and then head off to college without even the faintest scrap of suspicion about them.

Though some criticised the ending for failing to give the duo their expected comeuppance, it was refreshing in its own way to see these irredeemably awful people face no consequences for their actions whatsoever.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.