10 More Horror Movies Where The Final Girl Was The Villain

4. Mandy - All The Boys Love Mandy Lane

High Tension
Optimum Releasing/RADiUS-TWC

All The Boys Love Mandy Lane uses the audience's preconceived notions of a final girl and uses them against us to great effect.

The title character fits the bill when it comes to the trope - she's good-hearted, befriends an outcast, and abstains from different vices. And so when things go wrong during a barn party, we worry for our heroine and wonder if she'll make it.

Later on, when fellow survivor Chloe runs towards Mandy and embraces her, the latter shows her true colors as she kills the young girl. Turns out that our 'final girl' was behind everything that has happened in the film. She and the bullied teen, Emmet, made a suicide pact and are the culprits of the killing spree. But when Emmet is clearly doing it for the young girl's affection - something all the boys have been trying to do - our villainess betrays her accomplice and kills him.

In the end, Mandy Lane is victorious and makes it through the ordeal. She even spares kind-hearted Garth, a man who has never shown ulterior motives towards her, in order to have someone corroborate her story.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.