10 More Horror Movies With The Best Monster Reveals

1. The Thing - The Thing

The Thing Dog
Universal Pictures

It's hard to pinpoint which moment in The Thing is considered the showstopper. Because the titular entity can duplicate the appearance of anything it comes into contact with, nobody knows what form this abomination will take next. As such, our ensemble are never prepared each time they encounter the intergalactic beast.

Which is why the best monster reveal in the movie has to be... all of them.

When the Thing first appears, it bursts out of a dog before enveloping all the nearby mutts into its bloated mass. As deeply disturbing as this scene is, first-time viewers will assume it won't be as scary the next time around, now they know what to expect. Boy, are they wrong.

In a later scene, Bennings is semi-assimilated by the extra-terrestrial, compelling him to unleash an inhumane wail that'll give anyone chills. Viewers get the fright of their life after Norris-Thing's chest splits open and rips off Copper's arms. It's nearly impossible to remain calm while watching the blood test scene, even when you know the jump-scare is coming. And yet, the movie saves the most epic transformation for the showdown.

Although viewers tend to be desensitised by a monster is overused, The Thing has the opposite effect, since each form is more spine-tingling than the last.

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