10 More Horror Movies With The Best Monster Reveals

2. The Alien Queen - Aliens

The Thing Dog
20th Century Fox

Aliens didn't have a monster reveal as mind-blowing as its predecessor's chestburster sequence, but it came pretty darn close. In the climax, Ripley's party activate a timed explosive that's set to destroy all life on the Xenomorph's world. When Newt is captured by the so-called "perfect organisms", Ripley ventures into their hive to save her.

After retrieving the girl, Ripley is ready to leave when she hears a peculiar noise behind her. Because Ripley is expecting to come face-to-face with a traditional Xenomorph, she's perplexed when she turns to see a gooey organic tube. First-time viewers are left just as confused, since they have no idea what they're gawking at.

But when an egg drops out of the organ, Ripley realises she's looking at an ovipositor; a shaft that certain creatures use to lay eggs in bulk. Gazing around the room, Ripley notices the egg-filled stalk is attached to the Xenomorph's leader, the Alien Queen.

This 20ft-tall creature was brought to life with 16 puppeteers operating its head, neck, lips, tongue, jaws, face, torso, and legs in unison. Its slimy texture, acid-dripping mouth, and pulsing body makes it look so convincing, and it's baffling to believe this towering titan is nothing more than an elaborate puppet.


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