10 More Huge Movies That Were Instantly Forgotten

7. 47 Ronin

Men In Black International
Sony Pictures Releasing

Keanu Reeves may be riding high off the success of the John Wick franchise right now, but up until the original entry released in 2014, Reeves' Hollywood career had been on the skids for an entire decade following the release of The Matrix Revolutions.

And the culmination of Reeves' dud projects was 2013's 47 Ronin - a historical fantasy-action flick with an eye-watering $225 million budget, which Warner Bros. inexplicably handed to a first-time filmmaker, Carl Rinsch.

Even if you can (somehow) forgive the stamina-sappingly dull writing, this feckless samurai flick couldn't even deliver basically entertaining action sequences, while a dialled-down Reeves performed in an even more sedate register than usual.

Despite releasing in the prime box office slot of Christmas Day 2013, 47 Ronin was a colossal flop commercially - and also critically - after which it basically fell off the face of the Earth.

That Reeves followed it up with John Wick, and reminded everyone how magnetic an action star he can be, only further condemned it to the pop-culture void.

However, this didn't stop Universal releasing a straight-to-video standalone sequel in 2022, Blade of the 47 Ronin, which you probably weren't even aware of.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.