10 More Moments That Literally Stopped Horror Movies

9. "A Strange Idea Of Entertainment" - Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

The Ring Naomi Watts

The sixth Friday the 13th movie got the franchise briefly back on track with its more self-aware tone, which extended to even occasionally peeling back the fourth wall and winking at the audience.

And in one case writer-director Tom McLoughlin even straight-up stopped Jason Voorhees' (C.J. Graham) massacre to jokingly admonish the series' fans for their macabre interest in watching a hockey mask-wearing dude slaughter people with a machete.

One of the film's most memorable supporting characters is Martin (Bob Larkin), the caretaker of Eternal Peace Cemetery, where Jason's corpse is inadvertently resurrected by Tommy Jarvis (Thom Mathews) at the very start of the movie.

When Martin discovers Jason's undug grave, he grumpily re-digs it while mumbling to himself, "Why'd they have to dig up Jason?" At that moment, Martin then peers directly at the audience as he says, "Some folks have a strange idea of entertainment," and keeps digging.

As fundamentally ridiculous as the Friday the 13th movies are, this is the first time they've ever directly addressed the audience, briefly bringing the film to a wildly unexpected halt at the same time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.