10 More Moments That Literally Stopped Horror Movies

8. Ronnie Read The Script - The Dead Don't Die

The Ring Naomi Watts
Focus Features

Jim Jarmusch's horror-comedy The Dead Don't Die has a number of meta moments for audiences to savour (or wince at), and the most overt comes late in the story, when cops Ronnie (Adam Driver) and Cliff (Bill Murray) find their patrol car overcome by the undead horde.

Even as their predicament seems inescapable, Ronnie - who has claimed their situation would end badly from the outset - maintains a cool head, all while Cliff starts to lose it.

Cliff asks Ronnie how he knew things wouldn't end well for them, and how he seemingly knew many other things in advance. Ronnie replies that he knows because he's read the script, and even mentions filmmaker Jarmusch by his first name.

Cliff hilariously doesn't take this too well, noting that he only received the script pages for his specific scenes, before calling the director a "dick" for not appreciating everything he, Bill Murray, has done for him over the years.

The movie's meta elements ultimately proved quite divisive with critics and fans alike. Considering it literally involved the two central actors breaking character and discussing the inside baseball particulars of the production itself, it's easy to appreciate why.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.