10 More Most UNNERVING Shots In Horror Movies

1. The Subway - Possession

Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Second Sight Films

In Possession, there is a scene where a woman feeds her suitors to a tentacled monster before having sex with it.

The most disturbing thing about this scene is.... that's not the most disturbing scene.

That honour belongs to the mind-scarring subway sequence. After getting off a train, Anna finds herself overcome with hysterics, laughing and screaming while she repeatedly slams herself into the walls. Her grocery bag smashes open, causing eggs, milk, and other foods to smear onto the ground. Anna seems completely unfazed by this, as she flops on the floor, slathering herself in fluids.

After flailing her body around for three minutes straight in an almost unbroken shot, blood and other liquids begins seeping from Anna's orifices. Acknowledging that she's having a miscarriage, Anna lets out a soul-stirring scream that will be heard again and again in viewers' nightmares.

Even though the subject matter and content is horrific, what makes this scene so tragic is Isabella Adjani's career-defining performance. She hurls her body with such uncontrolled ferocity, it's hard to believe she's acting.

Although there are a lot of moments in Possession that remain unexplained, there is one thing all viewers know for certain; nobody will be the same after watching this harrowing scene.

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