10 More Most UNNERVING Shots In Horror Movies

2. Wishbone - Bone Tomahawk

Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Caliber Media Company

In Bone Tomahawk, Sheriff Hunt and his crew venture into the valley to rescue ranchers who've been kidnapped by a cannibalistic tribe called the Troglodytes. Immediately after finding the savages' cave, Hunt is stabbed and locked in a cell. To his surprise, he sees one of the ranchers, Nick, is still alive.

But not for long. After the Troglodytes unlock Nick's cell, they pull him out and strip him naked. Unable to break through his confines, Hunt helplessly watches the man-eating maniacs scalp Nick before force-feeding it to him.

As revolting as this moment is, it's nothing compared to what comes next. The cave-dwellers then flip Nick upside-down, while one of them rams his tomahawk between Nick's legs, splitting him open. The Troglodytes that are holding Nick's legs begin pulling away, completely bisecting him.

What makes this scene so brutal is how minimal the gore has been up until this point. Gruesome deaths regularly occur off-screen. In those cases, because the camera cuts away before someone is shot or stabbed, it's almost like Bone Tomahawk is trying to avoid an R-rating.

As such, viewers are totally unprepared when they see poor Nick snapped in two like a wishbone.

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