10 More Most UNNERVING Shots In Horror Movies

4. Eye Pluck - Talk To Me

Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Umbrella Entertainment

Talk to Me revolves around an embalmed hand that allows anyone who holds it to communicate with spirits. While at a house party, Mia and her buddies decide to play with the enchanted limb. Mia is warned to hold the hand no longer than 90 seconds to avoid any side effects.

When Mia's friend's brother, Riley, gives it a try, he holds the ghostly appendage too long, allowing the phantoms to possess his body.

Based on Talk to Me's premise, horror veterans saw this coming a mile away. Even though the set-up is predictable, nobody is ready for the next moment. As the ghosts overtake Riley's mind, he begins slamming his skull into the table, causing blood to gush from his forehead.

Just when it looks like things couldn't get worse, Riley rams his fingers into his eye socket, attempting to pluck his own eyeball out. The disgusting image is intensified exponentially, due to the squelching sound while Riley digs his fingers in.

Riley's friends grab him before he does the deed, but not before this vomit-inducing visual is seared into viewers' minds.

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