10 More Most UNNERVING Shots In Horror Movies

3. Beau's Father - Beau Is Afraid

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

When a movie is as balls-to-the-wall bonkers as Beau Is Afraid, viewers might think they would eventually build up a resistance to it.

But despite how Kafkaesque Ari Aster's latest work is, nobody on the planet is ready for the climax. After Beau hears his mother, Mona, was killed in a freak accident, he embarks on a zany odyssey to reach her home. Arriving at the house, Beau's deranged mother reveals she's alive and then chastises Beau for not loving her enough.

Furious, Mona locks her son in the attic with his father, who supposedly died the instant Beau was conceived. To his horror, Beau sees his dear old dad is what can only be desired as a colossal penis-shaped monster.

While gazing at this phallic entity's crab-like leg, snarling mouth, and gigantic testicles, it's borderline impossible for viewers not to yell, "WHAT THE HELL AM I WATCHING?"

It goes without saying that Beau Is Afraid is not a film that's supposed to be understood. But based on this nutty scene, there's no question it is a film that will never be forgotten.

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