10 More Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

4. What Happened To The Embryos? - Jurassic Park

Die Hard Hans Gruber Mystery

Long before Lewis Dodgson (Campbell Scott) tried to take over the world with his genetically enhanced locusts in Jurassic World: Dominion, the character set in motion the entire series of events of Jurassic Park way back in 1993. Thanks to his attempts at industrial espionage, multiple people were killed and John Hammond's (Richard Attenborough) dream of a dinosaur theme park was put on ice for a few decades.

Dodgson paid Wayne Knight's Dennis Nedry to procure him embryos of 15 species from the island. He gave him a fake shaving foam can to transport them back, but they never left the island. 

When Nedry was attacked by the Dilophosaurus, the embryos fell out of his pocket and were never spoken of in the films again. Taking into account just how valuable these were, and how much money Dodgson was willing to pay for them, was another effort made to recoup them and bring them to the mainland?

In 2022, Lewis Dodgson stepped foot on Isla Nublar for the first time in Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, and in a wildly unlikely moment, actually put his foot on the exact place where the can fell. It had lay there unmoved for 29 years, until he picked it up and put it in his backpack as something of a memento.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.