10 More Movie Mistakes You'll Never Unsee

9. A Magical Camera Person - Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

Encino Man
Warner Bros.

You just never knew who or what was going to pop up in Hogwarts at any given moment, eh?

But it's not just many a powerful wizard, witch, troll, werewolf, or any other magical figure that have been known to stop by for a quick on-screen appearance in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry over the years, though. Sometimes those most magical of beings by the name of camera operators have found a way to sneak into frame, too.

Jumping back to the second Harry Potter big-screen adaptation by the name of The Chamber of Secrets, eagle-eyed fans were able to spot a brief moment during the titular Boy Who Lived and Draco Malfoy's duel when a rather unusual student could be seen amongst the audience.

Look closely at the bottom left corner of the frame as the Slytherin lad is yanked up to his feet by Professor Snape after being put on his arse by Potter's spell, and you'll see what appears to be a camera person trying to capture another angle of the action for a second.

That's one way to earn your first big-screen acting credit, I suppose...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...