10 More Movie Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

7. Ben Affleck's Voice Was Dubbed Over - Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Knives Out
20th Century Studios

Years before he was donning masks and capes or winning Oscars, Ben Affleck was an up-and-coming thespian trying to make a splash in the industry.

And one of the eventual Batman's earliest roles came in 1992's Buffy the Vampire Slayer flick that landed on screens before the eventual hit series of the same name.

Here, the future Good Will Hunting star played the part of a basketball player, given the one line of "Take it, man!" when a supernatural member of the opposition wanders in front of him.

And while you may have spotted this early Affleck appearance during a random watch of the early '90s horror comedy, you likely didn't notice that this wasn't actually the actor's voice in the finished article.

While chatting with James Corden on The Late Late Show, the star explained how he felt he did well with his few words on the day. But the minute he sat down to watch the movie in theatres, he soon realised the director had gotten someone else to dub over his line, likely because he didn't enjoy what Affleck brought to the table.

This particular trick probably got past just about every person on the planet - except a poor, young Affleck, sitting down to take in his big moment in a cinema.

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