10 More Movie Sequels That Are FINALLY Happening

2. The Accountant 2

Bullitt 2
Warner Bros.

2016's Ben Affleck-starring action-thriller The Accountant received wildly mixed reviews from critics but still ended up grossing an impressive $155.2 million worldwide on a mere $44 million budget.

A sequel was confirmed to be in development by 2017, but the process of actually getting it in front of cameras stalled over the years that followed, with various versions of the script being hashed out.

Though it seemed like this thing was just never going to come to fruition, at the start of the year The Accountant 2 was unexpectedly confirmed to be in pre-production, and by March Affleck, Jon Bernthal, J. K. Simmons, and Cynthia Addai-Robinson were set to return, with Gavin O'Connor also signed to direct once again.

Filming is reportedly due to start imminently, and so it's reasonable to expect that The Accountant 2 will wrap up principal photography over the summer and land in cinemas sometime next year, almost an entire decade after the original's release.

Still, considering most fans of the original had long since given up hope of a sequel ever actually materialising, this is great news.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.