10 More Movies Already Cancelled In 2019 (And Why)

2. Men In Black: International 2

Men In Black International Chris Hemsworth Tessa Thompson
Sony Pictures

What We Knew

When Sony announced that the fourth Men in Black film would be a "reboot-sequel", it was clear they were hoping to rejuvenate the franchise with two hot young actors - Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson - and a more typically globe-trotting, action-blockbuster formula.

Before Men in Black: International even hit cinemas, the expectation was that its inevitable success would lead to a trilogy of films being churned out over the next few years, reviews be-damned.

Why It Was Cancelled & The Future

The hits just keep on coming this summer, and MiB: International is simply the latest expensive tentpole to massively under-perform with audiences.

Though its budget was sensibly on the "modest" end for star-studded blockbusters at $110 million, Sony spent a stonking $120 million on marketing, ensuring the film needed to gross $300 million to be basically profitable, but around $500+ million to really make a sequel viable.

After two weekends on release, MiB: International has grossed barely $180 million worldwide, and is sure to have its lunch eaten by Toy Story 4 and Spider-Man: Far From Home over the coming weeks, so there's no chance of it legging things out to an even half-way respectable figure.

With the film unable to even reach $100 million domestically, all designs Sony had for a new MiB franchise are basically dead in the water. Just wait for them to reboot it again in another 5-10 years, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.