10 More Movies That Accidentally Filmed Things You Weren't Supposed To See
3. Spider-Man Extras - Cherry

When done well, a good casting can make all the difference to a character, particularly if the plan is to keep them around for a long time. Tom Holland has joined the long list of MCU actors to almost become synonymous with his character, however there is more to him than just Peter Parker.
Recent years have seen Holland expand his back catalogue of roles, appearing in the likes of Uncharted, The Crowded Room, and Cherry. However, as is often the case, he just can't seem to shake the tag of being Spider-Man.
With his performance as the titular character in 2021's Cherry, Tom Holland couldn't have been further from the world of Spider-Man, dealing with heavy issues like addiction and PTSD. Even in this environment, however, he couldn't be free of his Marvel reputation, thanks to some extras that surely wouldn't have been kept in the final cut had they been caught before release.
As Holland's Cherry lay on the floor surrounded by lots of moving extras, two can be seen circling the actor and making the infamous Spider-Man hand sign. As a story focusing on deep and serious issues, a moment like this destroys any suspension of disbelief and makes it so mcuh harder to take seriously.