10 More Movies That Eerily Predicted Things In Real Life

8. Demolition Man - Arnold Schwarzenegger's Career In Politics

Contagion 2
Saban Films

Back in 1993, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger were best known for their jaw-dropping, ass-kicking exploits on the big screen in everything from Rambo to Predator.

So, when a cheeky political gag involving the former Mr. Universe being the President on the United States was thrown into the Stallone-starring Demolition Man around this time, nobody really thought much more of it other than, "Ha! Imagine Terminator running the country."

Well, as it goes, the line stating that Schwarzenegger had stepped away from the world of acting and lifting weights to focus on a career in politics actually wound up ringing true a decade later as Arnie was elected the Governor of California in 2003. The Total Recall and Running Man star would then be re-elected for a second term in 2006 before stepping down after reaching his term limit in 2011.

He may not have made his way to the Oval Office just yet, but Schwarzenegger was still interested in running for President as recently as 2016. However, with the star currently being ineligible due to his birthplace being Austria, he's still yet to enter the Presidential race in the U.S.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...