10 More Movies That Have Different Endings In Different Countries

8. Lord Of War

Fight Club China Ending

Long before the Nicolas Cage renaissance, before he nearly went bankrupt from buying mansions and dinosaurs and whatnot, and before he started putting his name to any production with a camera and a paycheque, he was a big Hollywood star. And back in his days of being a big, bankable star, there was Lord of War, an underrated and overlooked film in Cage's career.

The original ending for Lord of War sees Cage's arms dealer Yuri Orlov imprisoned, before he escapes and ultimately returns to his far from savoury previous engagements, despite having lost almost everything to this life - including his brother Vitaly (an equally bankable, pre-Morbin' Jared Leto). In China, however, Yuri never again sees the light of day. Censors cut the final 30 minutes of the film in their entirety, and replaced this sequence with text stating that Yuri confessed to his crimes and was sent away for life.

The thing is, social conditioning is kind of a big thing in China. The state relies on its ability to control the populace, and so the China Film Administration censors all entertainment media in an effort to ensure nobody gets any revolutionary, law-breakin' ideas - from Nicolas Cage or anyone else for that matter.

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