10 More Movies That Have Different Endings In Different Countries

3. The Sound Of Music

Fight Club China Ending

There are few things the West likes more than beating the Nazis. That and a good ol' musical number. Enter The Sound of Music. Receiving critical acclaim on both sides of the pond, it rapidly entered the halls of cinema as a stone-cold classic... except in Germany.

Part of the country's rather effective, decades-long strategy following the atrocities of WWII has been to ban Nazi iconography wherever possible. Unfortunately for The Sound of Music, which focuses on how Julie Andrews helps the troupe of all-singing, all-dancing children she cares for escape the Third Reich, this meant heavy editing.

20th Century Fox's Munich branch led a massive re-edit of the ending for German audiences, removing the bulk of the film's third act for this niche market, despite not being authorised by Fox in the US. Needless to say, it didn't pay off, and the film was rendered thematically nonsensical. But, even after the studio reinstated the original ending, the film still bombed at the box office...

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