10 More Movies Where The Reshoots Were Painfully Obvious

2. X2

X2 Hugh Jackman

As soon as Hugh Jackman wrapped principal photography on the second X-Men movie, he grew his hair out long to start shooting Van Helsing just a few months later.

However, during post-production director Bryan Singer realised that he needed Jackman to return for some pick-ups.

And so, with Jackman's hair now no longer matching his original Wolverine 'do - having a full, thick mane and no sideburns - the make-up crew had to resort to fitting Jackman with a wig and fake sideburns.

The results are, hilariously, incredibly obvious, with Wolverine's re-shot coiffure styled totally differently to that from the original photography, while the false 'burns, er, aren't convincing at all.

It's still a great movie, of course, but it's also still hysterical once you realise.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.