10 More Movies With Creepy On-Set Stories

Jared Leto was creepier as the Joker off screen than on it.

Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

On the face of it, making movies for a living seems like a pretty sweet gig. You get to pour your passion into something and create a piece of art that could astound an untold audience, while potentially travelling the world and actually being paid for the privilege to do so.

Better than your typical 9 to 5, to be sure, but it's not always all smiles and sunshine. Shooting a film can be a gruelling process, efforts to keep in shape can be hellish, and there is no guarantee that co-stars will get on or even tolerate each other at all.

Even worse than that, every now and then something truly creepy and unnerving can happen during the production process; the kind of thing that would make anyone reconsider working on set ever again, regardless of the perks of the job.

Actors have almost died, method acting has been taken too far, and there have even been real corpses brought onto set. WhatCulture has previously explored 10 Movies With Creepy On-Set Stories, but why stop at just 10 when there are so many more bizarre tales to hear?

10. Isla Fisher Almost Drowned - Now You See Me

Suicide Squad
Summit Entertainment

It takes an entire team of workers to put even the smallest of movie shots together, and action or dangerous scenes are of course no different. These will usually bring in a professional stunt person to take on the brunt of the work rather than the star of the show, but this isn't always the case.

Tom Cruise is famous for doing his own stunts, but he's not the only one. While filming for Now You See Me, Isla Fisher took on that responsibility herself when her character was locked and chained underwater as part of her magic act.

In the movie, Fisher's Henley Reeves escapes her shackles before deadly piranhas are released into the water, but as part of the show she of course has to struggle, upping the dramatic aspect. However, while shooting the scene, Fisher actually did struggle to break free of the chains, and genuinely almost drowned.

According to the actor, though there was a quick release button on her handcuffs, the chain that went between her ankles and her wrists did not release. While she was struggling, everyone thought she was acting, and as there was no pre-agreed safety signal to get her out in the case of an emergency, Fisher was very, very lucky to escape with her life.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.