10 More Sci-Fi Horror Movie Fates Worse Than Death
Seriously, just shoot me already.

"It must feel like your God abandoned you."
Tampering with the boundaries of reality is a key element at the very heart of science fiction in cinema.
Science fiction's speculative nature allows it to tackle futuristic, hypothetical concepts that could never take place in the real world. Invoking layered philosophical debate on the nature of existence, time and humanity's place in the universe, science fiction as a genre has the capacity to awe and dazzle its viewers like no other.
As such, when the genre crosses over with horror, the on-screen results are endlessly horrifying - in many cases, this is literally the case. In a universe where the limitations posed by reality are removed, so too are the limits on just how much suffering a person can endure. This terrifying status quo can take many forms, but they all have one thing in common.
Whatever abhorrent fate the sub-genre has contrived for them, the unfortunate nominees who make up this list question would take death a thousand times over if it meant an escape from the nightmarish destiny their respective film bestows upon them.
Having already covered 10 Sci-Fi Horror Movie Fates Worse Than Death, here, then, are ten more.
10. Trapped In The Mirror World - Mirrors

Panned by critics and audiences alike, Kiefer Sutherland's Mirrors is an unmitigated disaster of a horror film. Listless performances and a comically nonsensical plot mean that this is a movie going experience that should be avoided at all costs.
With that being said, the 2008 sci-fi horror does possess one of the nastier fates in recent memory. The demon terrorizing Sutherland's Ben Carson and his family within the film inhabits the mirror dimension - a mirrored version of reality accessible through reflected surfaces. Sutherland's character collapses a building on himself and supporting character Anna in the climactic sequence, after she is possessed by said demon.
Mirrors' final twist comes when Ben realizes nobody can see him, after having arduously dragged himself from the rubble. Sutherland's befuddled character suddenly registers that everything is reflected when he notices a name tag written backwards, and the horrifying pieces finally fall into place. Ben died when the building came crashing down and is now trapped alone in the mirror dimension, doomed to forever observe the world without being able to interact with it. The sickening concept of such an endless state of purgatory is an infinitely more harrowing notion than that of a swift demise.
With that being said, the true sci-fi horror fate worse than death from the audience's perspective is being forced to watch 111 minutes of this burning trash fire.