10 More Shocking Horror Movie Monsters With Surprising Powers

8. Calvin - Life

The Ruins
Columbia Pictures

In Daniel Espinosa's space thriller Life, a group of astronauts discover a single cell organism on a Martian probe. The microbe, nicknamed Calvin, is a groundbreaking discovery since it's the first lifeform discovered outside Earth's atmosphere. Although the crew take every precaution imaginable, none of them suspect the alien could be dangerous. 

Oh, how very wrong they were. Despite his microscopic size, Calvin is capable of ending life as we know it, due to his ability to evolve at an astronomic speed. 

Within a matter of minutes, Calvin metamorphosises into a multi-cellular organism, kills the biologist, and escapes the lab. Every moment that passes, the amorphous critter gets larger, stronger, and smarter, allowing him to overpower and outmanoeuvre the crew with ease. 

Due to his hyper-adaptability, Calvin quickly becomes resistant or impervious to intense heat, cold, and a lack of oxygen, making it nearly impossible to put him down for good. Also, the ending heavily implies it's Game Over for mankind after the extra-terrestrial reaches our planet.

Looking bad, it's hard not to feel bad for the astronauts. They believed that discovering Calvin would revolutionise science, oblivious their actions caused the downfall of humanity. 

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