10 MORE Smartest Decisions In Slasher Horror Movie History

8. Staying In Crowded Areas - Black Christmas (1974)

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Warner Bros.

In the original Black Christmas movie, the killer's motive and identity are never fully revealed in the movie, but it is heavily implied that he suffered abuse in his past, which may have made him socially awkward and uncomfortable around other people.

The college students that he targets don't know this about him, but they still make a conscious decision to stick together and stay in groups and crowds, which is a perfectly logical thing to do when faced with a deranged murderer.

However, even though it makes perfect sense, we don't really see it often in slasher films. One of the most common tropes in these movies is people wandering off on their own and inevitably coming face to face with the killer. Black Christmas was one of the earliest slasher horrors, and it showed that having smart and realistic characters doesn't have to take away from the tension.

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