10 MORE Smartest Decisions In Slasher Horror Movie History

7. Sally Injures Leatherface - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Scream 2
Bryanston Distributing Company

During the scene where Sally Hardesty is being held captive by Leatherface's family, she manages to break free for a moment and injure his leg with his own chainsaw. While Sally does not directly kill Leatherface, the injury she inflicts on him plays a significant role in allowing her to escape from the house and ultimately survive the ordeal.

The scene is a powerful moment in the film, as Sally's courage and resourcefulness in the face of danger are on full display. It's a common slasher horror trope for the characters to try and confront the villain in order to kill him. This is a plan that more often than not fails and leads to the character's demise.

Sally instead opted for hurting Leatherface just enough to buy herself some time and start making her escape. That is a refreshing turn of events and shows that there is more depth to Sally's character than you might have initially thought. Perhaps that's why she was the only one that survived and ultimately became one of the most iconic final girls of all time.

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