10 MORE Smartest Decisions In Slasher Horror Movie History

6. Max And Friends Set A Trap - The Final Girls (2015)

Scream 2
Stage 6 Films

We all have our favorite movies that we wish we could step into and experience for ourselves. However, there are some movies that are best left to the silver screen, particularly horror movies where survival is the name of the game.

In Todd Strauss-Schulson's The Final Girls, the main character Max and her friends find themselves trapped in a real-life horror flick, with a masked terrorizer named Billy on the loose. As they struggle to survive, the group comes up with a plan to defeat their attacker by creating weapons, setting a trap, and luring him out.

Their plan involves flaming arrows and a bucket of gasoline, making for an intense and high-stakes battle. While their plan ultimately leads to a kick-ass, self-referential slow-motion escape scene, it comes at a cost - the lives of some of their friends. This serves as a reminder that sometimes the best-laid plans can have unintended consequences.

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