10 MORE Smartest Decisions In Slasher Horror Movie History

5. Laurie Turns A Hanger Into A Blade - Halloween (1978)

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Aquarius Releasing

In horror movies, survival often hinges on being resourceful and turning everyday objects into weapons. This is precisely what Laurie does when she finds herself being chased by Michael Myers in the original Halloween movie. As a babysitter, Laurie's responsibility is not only to protect herself but also the children she's looking after.

With quick thinking and determination, she creates a makeshift blade out of a coat hanger and uses it to stab Myers in the eye, temporarily disabling him and causing him to drop his knife. Laurie then picks up the knife and uses it to stab him in the chest. That provides a welcome distraction that the kids use to go to the neighbours' house and phone the police.

Laurie's actions remind us that in the face of danger, quick thinking and resourcefulness can often make all the difference. Rather than being paralyzed by fear, she uses her intelligence and creativity to outsmart her attacker and protect herself and those around her.

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