10 MORE Smartest Decisions In Slasher Horror Movie History

4. Ash Replaces His Arm With A Chainsaw - Evil Dead II (1987)

Scream 2
New Line Cinema

Losing a limb can be a traumatic experience, but it doesn't have to mean giving up hope. In the second instalment in the Evil Dead franchise, the main character, Ash Williams finds himself in a particularly difficult situation when he's forced to chop off his own hand.

However, rather than letting this setback defeat him, Ash uses it to his advantage. He decides to attach a chainsaw to the stump of his missing hand. This unconventional weapon may seem crazy, but it proves to be effective in battling the deadites. Talk about thinking outside the box!

Overall, Ash's journey throughout the Evil Dead franchise is one of determination, courage, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to defeat the forces of evil. His chainsaw hand is just one example of his resourcefulness and ingenuity, and it has become one of the most iconic weapons in horror movie history.

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