10 MORE Smartest Decisions In Slasher Horror Movie History

3. Ginny Puts On Mrs. Voorhees' Jumper - Friday The 13th: Part 2 (1981)

Scream 2
Paramount Pictures

In Friday the 13th: Part 2, Ginny Field finds herself being chased around Camp Crystal Lake by none other than Jason Voorhees himself. But instead of just running for her life, she stumbles upon an altar dedicated to Jason's dead mother. Ginny uses her wits to outsmart the masked killer by putting on his mother's sweater and pretending to be her.

The psychological trick works for a moment, and Jason lets his guard down, giving Ginny an opportunity to strike a killing blow. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned, and Jason catches on to Ginny's ruse. But as horror movie fans know, that doesn't necessarily mean the villain will come out on top. Despite Jason's realization, Ginny manages to subdue him shortly thereafter.

In the end, Ginny's clever use of Jason's own issues against him shows that sometimes the key to beating a horror movie villain is not just brute force, but also psychological manipulation. And it certainly doesn't hurt to have a bit of luck on your side.

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