10 More Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

7. It Was Mark Hamill's Idea To Improvise A Goodbye To Threepio - Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Kylo Ren Rey

The previous version of this list already provided one sweet behind-the-scenes detail that completely alters the way you watch a specific moment towards the end of Episode VIII - The Last Jedi. But it turns out that Mark Hamill's improvised kiss on Carrie Fisher's forehead during their moving scene wasn't the only thing that didn't appear in the script.

As the actor himself would later reveal to Entertainment Tonight, the original plan was to have Luke Skywalker just walk right on by C-3PO after he'd finished talking to his sister in the scene.

However, after a conversation with director Rian Johnson, the pair soon agreed that the Jedi Master should definitely have at least a small moment with a character who was "the closest (thing) to a sidekick (Luke) had."

And with Johnson not having enough time to really script anything, Hamill just acknowledged his old droid pal, throwing out a spontaneous wink that he later confessed to not even remembering he did in the moment.

It's a surprisingly affecting beat, and one that will feel even more special the next time you take in The Last Jedi now that you've learned that it was only added because of Hamill's love and respect for Anthony Daniels' character.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...