10 More Terrible Movies That Killed Awesome Franchises

1. Seed Of Chucky

Love him or hate him Chucky is one of the horror genres biggest bad asses. His original trilogy of movies were deemed some of the most controversial of all time thanks to their links to the Jamie Bulger murder back in 1993 but were in fact pretty tame by today's standards. When Ronny Yu brought the series back in 1998 it was brimming with pop culture references and black comedy but despite the changes in tone was extremely well received. Given its success the studios were quick to follow up with a similar sequel based on the idea that Chucky and his Bride were able create a life of their own and so The Seed of Chucky was born (literally and figuratively). The only words you could ever use to describe The Seed of Chucky would be OH MY GOD. Sure it was a financial success but it took everything that was good about the previous 4 movies and drained the life out of them leaving a rotten, plastic husk in its wake. Neither Chucky nor his bride Tiffany are bearable in this horrible effort and the less said about their offspring the better. The only saving grace for the Child's Play franchise is that this film is considered non-canon and therefore Don Mancini's upcoming Curse of Chucky should be the lifeline the franchise has been screaming out for.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.