10 More Terrible Movies That Killed Awesome Franchises

5. Spider-Man 3

spiderman-3-screencaps-spider-man-32519039-640-304 Anticipation for the on screen arrival of Venom was at an all time high when it was announced he would appear in Sam Raimi's third Spider-Man movie back in 2007. Venom has always been regarded as one of the coolest bad guys in comic book history so the world waited to see just how well this translated to screen when the premier finally rolled around. The answer was badly. You can complain all you want about trying to shoehorn too many villains into one film but there's no disputing the film as a whole just kinda sucked. Sandman was fine as a sympathetic antagonist and although Venom was way too cartoonish he was acceptable in his role. It was Toby Maguire that brought the whole franchise to its knees with his over the top, ridiculous performance as Emo Peter Parker. Dancing through the hallways and acting like a prick seemed to be the way Maguire wanted to portray the darker side of Spider-Man after he mixes with the Symbiote but he's just not able to pull it off and instead ruined the whole experience for millions of fans. Sony lost all faith in Raimi as a director after this failure and instead opted for a reboot over a third sequel. Smart move guys.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.