10 More Terrifying Horror Movies Set During Daylight

1. YellowBrickRoad (2010)

YellowBrickRoad Movie
Points North

Riding on the coatails of films such as The Blair Witch Project that really introduced the paranoia fear of losing sanity in the wilderness, YellowBrickRoad follows a film crew attempting to discover the mysteries around the disappearance of an entire town named Friar. Apparently, the whole town - 572 people - had all garnered an obsession with the film The Wizard of Oz and disappeared off the face of the Earth along the trail.

The movie explores the growing insanity amongst the group as they are hounded by the constant sound of music and their time out in the wilderness. YellowBrickRoad is dark, sombre and gruesome throughout, though what stands it out from the likes of Blair Witch is how the majority of the movie takes place during the day.

It's an interesting strategy, and one that really helps to emphasis just how powerful these spirals into insanity are for the characters. The daytime is often the moment where sanity is restored and the monsters shrink back into the shadows for a horror movie protagonist, so the fact that things don't switch off just because the sun is in the sky in YellowBrickRoad, just helps sell the terror of this trail even more.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.